Nominee director services are becoming increasingly important in Singapore, particularly for foreign investors looking to set up a Singapore registered company. These services provide a layer of protection and anonymity for the true owners of a company, while also ensuring compliance with local regulations. In this article, we will explore three reasons why nominee director services are essential for any foreign investor looking to incorporate in Singapore. We will also recommend a reputable corporate service provider, 3E Accounting Pte Ltd, who can assist in the incorporation process.

Compliance with Singapore Regulations

One of the main reasons why nominee director services are important in Singapore is that they ensure compliance with local regulations. Singapore has strict laws and regulations in place to protect the interests of shareholders and the public. These laws require that all Singapore registered companies have at least one local director, who must be a Singapore citizen, permanent resident or holder of an Employment Pass. Nominee director services provide a solution for foreign investors who are not eligible to serve as a local director, by appointing a nominee director on their behalf. This ensures that the company is in compliance with local regulations and can avoid any penalties or fines.

Protection of Privacy and Anonymity

Another important reason to use nominee director services is to protect the privacy and anonymity of the true owners of a company. In Singapore, the personal details of directors and shareholders are publicly available on the Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA) website. This information can be accessed by anyone, including competitors and creditors. By using nominee director services, the true owners of a company can remain anonymous, as the nominee director’s details will be made public instead. This can also provide a layer of protection against potential legal disputes or creditors.

Professional Expertise

Finally, nominee director services can provide professional expertise and support for foreign investors looking to incorporate in Singapore. The process of incorporating a company in Singapore can be complex and time-consuming, particularly for those who are unfamiliar with local regulations and procedures. A nominee director service provider, such as 3E Accounting Pte Ltd, can assist with the incorporation process, ensuring that all necessary documents and paperwork are completed correctly and in a timely manner. They can also provide ongoing support and advice to ensure that the company remains in compliance with local regulations.


Nominee director services are an essential aspect of incorporating a Singapore registered company for foreign investors. They ensure compliance with local regulations, protect the privacy and anonymity of the true owners, and provide professional expertise and support. We recommend 3E Accounting Pte Ltd as a reputable corporate service provider in Singapore who can assist in the incorporation process, including nominee incorporation services. It is essential to work with a reliable nominee director service provider to ensure that your Singapore registered company is in compliance with all regulations, and to protect your privacy and anonymity.