Drawer slides maximize your storage space, keep your drawers in their proper positions, and make it simple to access your belongings. However, the selection process for the ideal drawer slide can be challenging due to the abundance of options.

What Are Roller Drawer Slides?

One of the most popular kinds of drawer slides is the roller type, which is frequently seen in older furniture and cabinets. There are two components to roller drawer slides: a furniture rail and a drawer rail, each with its own wheel.

The rollers on the slide are used to move along the track, which is typically composed of plastic or metal. To minimize friction and offer a smooth glide, the rollers are usually composed of nylon or plastic.

What Are Ball Bearing Drawer Slides?

A more recent kind of drawer slide is the ball-bearing type. They are made up of several ball bearing slides on smooth shaft [ลูกปืนสไลด์บนเพลาเกลี้ยง, which is the term in Thai] contained in a carriage that slides along a track fastened to the frame of a cabinet or piece of furniture. While some ball-bearing drawer slides only allow one-way travel, others might allow two ways of travel.

The way ball bearing slides on smooth shaft work is that they slide along a track, which is usually composed of metal, using the ball bearings. Usually composed of steel or stainless steel, ball bearings are intended to glide smoothly and with little resistance.

Differences Between Roller And Ball Bearing Drawer Slides

Other than this subtle design distinction, there are other differences in roller and ball-bearing drawer slides.

· Smoothness Of Roller And Ball-Bearing Drawer Slides:

Compared to roller drawer slides, ball-bearing drawer slides provide a far smoother glide. Compared to regular wheels, ball bearings are more effective at reducing friction. Ball-bearing drawer slides are therefore simpler to open.

· Price Of Roller And Ball Bearing Drawer Slides :

Roller drawer slides are less expensive than their ball-bearing equivalents. Because of this, they might be a good choice for people on a tight budget or for use in situations where regular use is not required. Nevertheless, despite their higher price, ball-bearing drawer slides can be a better option if you require something more robust and long-lasting.

· Roller And Ball Bearing Drawer Slides Longevity:

Roller drawer slides may deteriorate or break over time, but ball-bearing drawer slides are made to last for many years. Steel, such as cold-rolled steel, is used to make a lot of ball-bearing drawer slides. They will keep rolling smoothly even after being used every day for several years.

· Roller And Ball Bearing Drawer Slides Length:

Ball-bearing drawer slides come in longer lengths than roller drawer slides, which are usually available in shorter lengths. Because of this, ball-bearing drawer slides may be a preferable choice for larger cabinets or drawers.